Kiss of the Dragon AKA Le Baiser mortel du dragon (Blu-ray) (2001)
Kiss Fear Goodbye.Director: Chris Nahon
The German release for the extras and 6.1 audio.
Note that only the theatrical cut is currently available on Blu-ray. Details between the theatrical and unrated cuts can be found at Movie-Censorship.
This title has also been released in:
- US by Anchor Bay -
- Blu-ray A America- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment - No Cuts -US Theatrical Cut (98:15)
- Blu-ray ALL Germany- Universum Film - No Cuts - US Theatrical Cut (98:13)
- Blu-ray B Australia- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment - No Cuts - US Theatrical Cut (98:15)
- Blu-ray B United Kingdom- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment - No Cuts - US Theatrical Cut (98:15)
Do you own a release not listed? Then please visit our forums and let us know!
Comparison added by Jari_Kovalainen on 02/03/07
Comparison last updated by James-Masaki_Ryan on 19/10/15UPDATE LOG:
07/10/11: Added Australian release and comparison cleanup.
Please ensure you read our disclaimer.
07/12/13: Added the German and UK releases.
19/10/15: Noted about the different cuts, ASINs, capsaholic.