Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla AKA Gojira tai Mekagojira AKA Godzilla vs. Cosmic Monster AKA Godzilla vs. Bionic Monster (1974)
Aliens intend to take over the planet and, just in case Godzilla tries to interfere, have built a mechanical version of him to put an end to his interference. The Earth humans summon the legendary King Seesar to assist Godzilla in the battle.Director: Jun Fukuda
R2 Japanese release has a 5.1 track, the original Mono, and the best set of extra features, but NO English subtitles. The R1 release has original Japanese and English audio with English subtitles, the subtitles are actually dubtitles for the English track.
- R0 Australia- Shock/Siren Visua - No cuts. This seems to be the US "Cinema Shares" Theatrical Version, which has a red title card ("Godzilla vs the Cosmic Monster") with white lettering. It's cut in a few places, most notably the in the opening credits. Also, the Cinema Shares version cut the ending out and ends a few seconds after the huge explosion (76:17 mins PAL).
- R0 Germany- Media Target - No cuts. Includes 2 versions: Original and German. In original version ((79:36 min - PAL), the source material seemed to be in a rough shape, so many frames are missing. German version seems to be longer (80:21 min - PAL), but it�s cropped. Go figure.
- R0 Taiwan- Power Multimedia - No known cuts.
- R1 America- Columbia Tristar Home Entertainment - No cuts. International Version with English title and credits (84:44 NTSC).
- R2 France- Aventi Distribution - No cuts.
- R2 Japan- Toho - No cuts.
- R4 Australia- Madman Entertainment - No cuts (80:48 mins PAL).
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Comparison added by Jari_Kovalainen on 06/10/04
Comparison last updated by Anthony_DiPaola on 11/09/19UPDATE LOG:
21/11/18 : Revised R1 specs.
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11/09/19 : Addition of ASIN links.