The Show

This show ran for four seasons, and I didn't watch it for the same reason I didn't watch 'Blossom', or 'So Little Time'. I was never really even close to being a teenage girl, so the concept of a television show centering on a teenage girl wasn't the most appealing idea. I did enjoy this show, but I honestly wouldn't have watched it had I not been reviewing it. On the other hand, I'm glad I did watch it, as it's quite enjoyable.
The series revolves around two sisters Holly and Valerie (Amanda Bynes and Jennie Garth), Val's boyfriend (Simon Rex), Holly's best friend Gary (Wesley Jonathan), and eventually, Lauren (Leslie Grossman). Though the star of the show is Miss Bynes, all of them get into funny situations. There's usually a B story in the show that's as funny as the main story, usually involving the two guys.
Unfortunately, the show does get into some cliches, as in 'Spa Day' and 'The Party'. The situations in these episodes bring in some nice laughter, but I could have done without some character moments. To be fair, the show sidesteps some really annoying, possibly eye-rolling moments in favour of the easier ending, choosing instead to lighten the mood with a joke. I enjoy this move because, quite frankly, this is a comedy, as the tone of the first few episodes prove. The show also recycles some gags, as in 'The Parrot Trap' and 'Tankini', two shows that follow each other. This isn't so much a problem, as it happens in every show.
Regardless, the episodes are light, irreverent fun. I didn't think I'd enjoy this show as much as I did. Amanda Bynes was very funny in 'She's the Man' and she's very funny in here. Her mannerisms and speech patterns bring some nice jokes around. As a guy, I can certainly understand some of the comments Jack and Gary make. The comedy ranges from slapstick to actually pretty witty dialogue. One of the funniest moments comes in 'The Other Woman', in Miss Bynes' version of throwing a glass of something in someone's face.
For a teen comedy television show the writers also have their inspired moments. In 'The Parrot Trap', Timmy is a parrot. A boy made Holly, who's taking care of Timmy, angry and asks:
'Aren't you going to give me the bird?'
'I'd love to, but I'm holding Timmy.'
Val and Jack are playing scrabble as a kind of foreplay. Jack says:
'You just want sex because I got 'warts'.'
Holly, to a guy racking up a pool game:
'Don't you touch those balls until I get back.'
It's an enjoyably show and the comedy and drama mix well together. As I've said, the comedy is more prevalent than the drama and for me this what makes the show more watchable. It's not perfect, but at least I'd be interested to see how the second season goes, which goes to show the season succeeds.
A list of the episodes and a short description:
Disc 1:
Pilot (21:57)
Holly has to convince her sister to take her in. She tries to help her sister, being nice, but ends up making things worse, in a comedic way, of course. Tony Hawke has a small appearance.
Spa Day (21:43)
Holly promises to do two things on the same day, and, of course, has to, comedically, walk the fine line of not being discovered. Meanwhile the two guys try to figure out who's stronger. J.C. Chasez guest stars.
Roommates (21:58)
Val sets some ground rules for Holly, who, try as she might, just can't follow them. Comedic moments ensue, in which Holly, once again, has to try to cover up something she did.
The Teddy Bear (20:58)
This episode starts with the sisters finding a teddy bear in a box, arguing over whose teddy bear it actually is, and comedically ends with the pair disrupting a little girl's birthday party. The B story is about the two boys redoing an armoire. This is actually a pretty strong episode and probably one of the best of the season.
Cool Older Sister (21:48)
When Val realises she's more of a mom than a sister, she decides to be a cool sister, which, obviously, brings about some comedic moments.
The Parrot Trap (21:57)
Holly gets a crush on an activist and in so doing has to take care of a parrot that he stole from a zoo. Funny situations ensue as Holly and the parrot hit it off, so to speak.
Tankini (21:17)
Holly's very good middle-school friend comes to live in New York, and hopes that she and Gary will get along together. Funny moments follow after she finds the two making out in an elevator.
Copy That (21:58)
Holly follows Jeff's advice to good comedic results. She thinks someone has a crush on him. He then turns things around, making her look silly. Meanwhile, Val has to deal with a very smelly boss.
Disc 2:
Thanksgiving (21:58)
Instead of going to Thanksgiving with an aunt they don't like, the girls lie to said aunt to have the holiday at their own place, which, obviously, promptly backfires, with comedic moments ensuing. The boys, on their side, go back and forth in New York, trying to find the best turkey money can buy. Another really good episode.
The Party (21:48)
Holly gets invited to a party because the guy she has a crush on thinks she's a few years older than she actually is. Comedic moments follow this blunder. Obviously with this type of show, the guy has on thing on his mind. Val and Jack spend a nice evening playing Scrabble.
The Other Woman (21:00)
Val can't go to a concert with Jack, so Holly goes instead. Holly meets Jack's ex, who starts being nice with Holly, much to the dismay of Jack, and the funny bones of the audience. Rebecca Gayheart guest stars.
Girls Night Out (21:58)
This is another very nice episode. Holly and Val go out for a night of fun, which, comedically, doesn't turn out to be so fun. Holly's character isn't the smartest in this episode, but it's still a very good episode.
The Cheerleading Incident (21:59)
Val tries to change her personality and tries to be spontaneously, which comedically backfires. Meanwhile, Holly and Jack have a tiff over a music player. Obviously, everything turns out fine, but getting there is fun to watch.
The Game (21:59)
When a big promotion is available at her company, Val gets advice from temp secretary Holly in trying to snuff out the competition, a new girl who's doing everything she can to get the position. Comedy, as you may expect, ensues.
Valentine's Day (21:57)
Holly learns that Jack is planning to buy a ring for Val, and promptly assumes it's an engagement ring without thinking. The sisters, comedically, get excited, until Valentine's Day. The show does end on a more dramatic note, but for some reason this ending is forgotten in the next episode, but taken up again in 'The Breakup'.
Disc 3:
Holly's First Job (21:49)
I have the impression this was conceived as being shown quite earlier in the season (Holly already has a job in 'Copy That'), and it completely forgets the ending in the previous episode. In any case, Holly gets a job at Jack's restaurant, and completely turns everything upside down, comedically. Think Lucy and chocolate factory, but imagine everything in a restaurant and you'll get the idea.
The Breakup (21:28)
With the breakup being over with, Lauren from 'The Game' now becomes Val's best friend. Funny moments follow as they talk about jello shooters and getting tattoos.
Dude Where's Val's Car? (21:54)
Holly borrows Val's car without her knowledge and it gets stolen. This is probably the weakest episode in the season, as it hits so many cliches in the relationship between the sisters. Jack, on his side, gets a new job. The episode still manages to get a few laughs but it's not the best episode.
Loose Lips (22:00)
Val's love life is explored, comedically gossiped by Holly. After Val and her boss almost kiss, rumours spread. At the same time, Jack hits on (and gets a date with) a woman, who just happens to be Gary's mother.
The Fix-Up (21:52)
Holly's boyfriend's older bother is a doctor and she thinks he'd be a great match for her sister. The doctor, however, has an interesting and comedic secret. It's got some funny moments, as when you realise his secret.
Tyler v. World (21:15)
Holly and Val may get evicted from their apartment. The apartment hunting brings some good comedic moments, and they then try to then convince the tenants board to keep their apartment.
The Talk (21:57)
After Val discovers Holly and her boyfriend alone together, she decides to have, well, 'the talk', which is always something funny to watch. Holly and Gary also try to renew their friendship. Val also has a surprise when Holly gets home unexpectedly. It's a very way to finish the season.
1.33:1 full frame. The video quality stays pretty much the same throughout the season and for some reason isn't as clear as it should be. The colours are bright and vibrant, and skin tones are accurate. The contrast is very good with no problems in the digital realm, such as edge enhancement and pixelation. The picture, though, somehow seems a bit flat, but very TV-like. It's a nice picture that should satisfy anybody.
The functional Dolby Digital 2.0 stereo track (in English) is helped out by accurate French subtitles. The dialogue is clear and crisp. The show has no real big splashes of sound, so as long as you can hear the jokes it's okay. The score, little effects and voices are all balanced pretty well. There are no problems with the sound.
The only extra is a 12-minute Gag Reel that's pretty funny. It consists mostly of Amanda Bynes messing up her lines and Jennie Garth inexplicably cracking up or doing weird sounds. They don't seem like the brightest people, but they sure had tons of fun on set. Actually, everybody seemed to mess up a lot and the mood on set looked very light and fun.
This set comes packed in one single-disc and one double-disc, ultra-slim amaray cases.
The Show: B |
Video: B- |
Audio: B |
Extras: C- |
Overall: B- |