The Show

No other TV network in the United States focuses the raw, over the top, absurd, hyper-masculine energy into mindless television like SPIKE TV. The latest DVD release from their network’s macho waves is “MANswers: The Best of Season One” (2007), almost like “Mythbusters” (2003-Present) if it was re-written by Ogre and the rest of the frat boys from “Revenge of the Nerds” (1984). What amounts to research and scientific content is interviews with a few professors or other people with degrees, narrated by someone who seems to be contractually obligated to say ‘dude,’ ‘beer,’ ‘babe,’ or ‘boobs’ once per sentence.
The whole macho song and dance could be forgiven if there were something interesting contained in the 25 or so ‘manswers’ contained on the disc. Almost every question posed has something to do with drinking, breasts or sex, sometimes, if you’re lucky, all three. There are some nuggets of advice that are plain ridiculous, not even necessarily because of the information, but the way the show is written and constructed it’s impossible to take seriously. With such scientific assessments as “Babes who never use condoms, are 30% happier,” any and all research that could have been done to try and get the answer seems more like urban legend than fact.
“MANswers” is the perfect example of what happens when you skew too heavily towards a demographic. It’s a little insulting to see that the only answers that men apparently want, according to SPIKE TV, are some of the most shallow and trivial questions like “What does the shape of her boob tell you about her personality?” Others simply seem misogynistic: “How can you make your girlfriend less bitchy?” If you need to hear about babes, brews and breasts, you can easily get your answers just from a few quick searches on the internet, far easier than sitting through “MANswers.”
2Here are the 25 questions included on the disc:
25. What’s the best human organ to eat?
24. What does the shape of her boob tell you about her personality?
23. What’s the most dangerous wild animal in America?
22. How can you make your girlfriend less bitchy?
21. Is the death touch for real?
20. What kind of girls are best in bed?
19. How many floors can you fall in an elevator and still survive?
18. Can you beat a breathalyzer?
17. How can you defend yourself in a bar fight?
16. How tough are implants?
15. How can a guy get high legally?
14. How can you turn your pickup truck into a hot tub?
13. How many people have been killed by vending machines?
12. So what the hell is a crushing video?
11. How can you take a bullet out yourself?
10. How teeny can a bikini get before it’s legally considered nudity?
9. How can you get drunk faster?
8. How big do boobs have to be to crush a beer can?
7. How have guys gotten a happy ending at high-class massage parlors?
6. Do big boobs float?
5. Can you take the dump of death?
4. How do you take a stripper home?
3. Which animal is most like having sex with a woman?
2. Is she a hooker or is she a cop?
1. Who has the biggest boobs in the world?
“MANswers” is presented in it’s original for TV 1.33:1 aspect ratio, and basically looks like it did on TV. The show is edited together for the lowest imaginable attention span, keeps some flashy title cards and constantly shifts scenes. Some of the stock footage used is really out of quality with the rest, but not much can be expected when half of the footage in the show is generic “girl in bikini” shots.
Presented in English Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo, the sound quality is relatively the same on TV, but overall isn’t that great. The soundtrack of the show is some generic alt-rock guitar riff that really gets annoying after the first few segments. Otherwise the actual production of the audio is fine, the levels are good and the sound doesn’t pop too much, but there’s just nothing really worth listening to.
There are no optional subtitles available for this release.
There are absolutely no extras on the disc.
The Show: F |
Video: B |
Audio: C+ |
Extras: F |
Overall: D+ |